Welcome to Extitutional Space

Extitutional Knowledge Commons

Goals of this space:

  1. Build Knowledge Commons
  2. Build Extitutions
  3. Network Extitutions

How to Contribute

The knowledge commons is built on simple markdown files and served as a website through Quartz.

Get Started

  1. Download Obsidian

    Obsidian provides a nice UI for authoring Markdown content.

  2. Clone and setup the repo https://github.com/oovg/quartz

``` git clone https://github.com/oovg/quartz
``` cd quartz
``` yarn
``` yarn quartz build --serve
  1. Open the /content folder as a vault in Obsidian Create and Edit content with files and folders within Obsidian
  2. Request access to push your updates back to Github.
  3. Create a pull request from your-branch-name to v4
  4. When accepted, your content will be live on the website.

Authoring Content


Each Markdown file should have the following metadata at the top.

title: title of content
draft: true or false (true will hide content)
tags: glossary, article, etc

Example simple glossary entry valid full Markdown file with metadata and content.

title: term
draft: false
tags: glossary


definition of the term

Markdown Cheatsheet

View a cheat sheet of Markdown formatting. https://www.markdownguide.org/cheat-sheet/

Content Architecture

For now we simply have a Glossary and a Reading Room sections for content.

Glossary: Create new files, or edit existing ones in the “Glossary” folder Reading Room: Add markdown versions of relevant articles, papers, and essays in the “Reading Room” folder to add content here

Feel free to propose new sections of content.