Discrete entities resembling institutions at face, extitutions are temporary organizational bodies meant serve to secure, protect and formalize the free empiricism of protocols. They do so by by a) culturally encoding protocols with open values, b) erecting temporary autonomous zones for the crystallization of those values (the discovery of extitutional flow state). Extitutions are known to hazard legibility before institutional forces, donning institutional masks in order to protect open protocols from cooptation and the hazards of scaling.
If all institutions contain “an interplay between institutional and extitutional dynamics” (Schingler, de Filippi, et al), extitutions are those entites where the former is totally subjugated to the latter. The actions of extitutions may appear irrational or even incoherent from the perspective of traditional economic game theory because of the radically nonrivalrous nature of the open protocols they support. Examples: The Brotherhood of Eternal Love, The Society of Janus, Spiral Tribe, San Francisco’s Bound Together Bookstore.