maker metaphysics

An immanent feature of extitutional life, maker metaphysics aren’t stated explicitly, but expressed in the actions of makers. 

Makers may be Christians, Buddhists, Nihilists, but their actions and collaborations - during the time when they are making - operate under an open & practical ontology with the following features:

  • Subject and object positions unsettle, expand and retract. Intersubjectivity (including with the inorganic) and extended cognition are taken for granted, so that intersubjective or cyborg forms are welcome before the practical judgment of “what a body can do.”

  • Truth claims are recursively practical. The ground of being is considered real but fundamentally plural or super-objective - lacking the ability to cognate the whole directly, makers operate in rough, peripheral and interim truths. These truths suffice to the extent that they are able to engender more such truths. 

To the extent that scientific positivism posits a universal objectivity, maker metaphysics follows a pirate or perhaps gothic empiricism that poses the investigation of reality by way of the senses as an infinite rather than a finite game.